These docs are for v1.3. Click to read the latest docs for v1.4.



The patients API is used for uploading Patient Demographics to Particle. Patients can be created, retrieved, updated, deleted, and listed. The Patients API POST request for a patient must be executed before:

  1. You place a Documents POST request for the patient or place a Subscriptions POST request for a patient. This is because a patient must be registered in our system before they can be linked to documents or subscribed to monitoring notifications.
  2. You can retrieve any documents back from Healthix for the patient. This is because you must provide patient consent details in the Patients API POST request, in order to be able to exchange data for the patient via Healthix. See more details on Healthix (NY HIE).

Care should be taken to ensure the patient_id field is unique to each set of demographics and always is linked to the same set of demographics being submitted. Using the same patient_id with different sets of demographics will result in errors being thrown.

Bi-Directionality API Flow