Batch Query APIs
Particle Health has the capability to perform Batch Queries. With Batch, you can upload a set of patient demographics via a .CSV file or JSON object, and Particle will gradually run those queries during low-traffic periods throughout the day.
Batch may fit your use case if:
- Your organization is running scripts programmatically in bulk, and is looking to get information on a n patients at once, without having to manually run n API calls.
- Your organization is not limited by speed of data retrieval. We configure the batch queries to run during off-peak hours. Therefore, you can typically expect a batch to complete within 24 hours. If your organization requires data within a faster turn-around-time, our standard query flow is still available to your organization ad-hoc. Read about Particle's recommended query flow, here.
Supported Configurations
Query Types
, and FLAT
queries are supported in the batch query flow. Any other query types will return a 403
The project making batch requests must be enabled to run singular queries of that particular type. So, if your project does not have FLAT queries enabled, that project may not run FLAT batches. Read about Organization's term definitions, here.
Query Limits
Production is limited to 10,000 queries in a batch. Sandbox is limited to 10 queries in a batch. The maximum request size is 40MB both both environments.
A Project may only have 3 active batches running at any particular time. The List Batches
endpoint will return a list of your Project’s batches, in case you wish to verify how many are active at any given point. Should you attempt to create a new batch request while 3 batches are currently active, you will receive a 429
API Flow
- Upload a set of demographics to the
Create Batch
endpoint. Upload either a .CSV document or a JSON object in the POST body, along with abatch
parameter that denotes the batch type. - Receive a response with the scheduled queries and query IDs. If any rows are malformed in a submitted .CSV, those errors will be returned in the response. The entire batch must be valid for the process to run!
- Each query will run at its
. You may opt into a notification to be alerted when each individual query is completed. - As each query is completed, you may fetch the data for that query. You do not need to wait for the entire batch to finish to inspect any individual query in the batch.
- Depending on the
specified, the methods to fetchCCDA
, orFLAT
will change accordingly.
- Depending on the
- When all of the queries in a batch are completed, the batch is marked as
and one last notification is sent.
API Methods
Create Batch
is the endpoint to kick off a new batch of queries.
Body Parameters
A JSON array containing a set of demographics. Example:
"given_name": "Kam",
"family_name": "Quark",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"date_of_birth": "1979-01-04",
"postal_code": "11111",
"purpose_of_use": "TREATMENT",
"patient_id": "e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6532"
"given_name": "John",
"family_name": "Que",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"date_of_birth": "1979-01-04",
"postal_code": "71116",
"purpose_of_use": "TREATMENT",
"patient_id": "e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6533"
- All parameters in each demographic object must be a
, otherwise the batch queries will not process properly. - When submitted, the JSON object must be string-escaped. See Sample JSON Request below.
A .CSV file containing a set of demographics. Example:
- The first row of the .CSV contains all of the fields to be submitted. See required fields.
- Please use commas as the delimiter between fields. Do not add spaces before/after commas in the .CSV.
- If errors are found, the batch will continue and return the .CSV lines and demographics where errors were found. Any properly formatted lines of the CSV will result in a scheduled query.
A JSON object containing batch metadata. Example:
can beFHIR_R4
, orFLAT
- Must also be string-escaped.
Required Batch Fields
If both demographics_json
and demographics_csv
are present, the .CSV will be ignored. Regardless of the format, each demographic in the set must include the following:
- Given Name -
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Family Name -
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Gender -
- Must be
- Must be
- Date of Birth -
- Ex.
- Must follow
- Ex.
- Postal Code -
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Purpose of Use -
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Patient ID -
- Ex.
- This must be unique to your project. We recommend a UUID format, but this can be any format of your choosing.
- Ex.
Optional Batch Fields
The following fields are optional, but if included will improve query results.
- SSN -
- Ex. 111-00-1234
- Address Lines -
- Ex.
999 Dev Drive
- Ex.
- Address City -
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Address State -
- Ex.
- Please use the 2-letter state code.
- Ex.
Sample .CSV Request
If you wish to use demographics_csv
attach a csv
document through the formData http request field. In the example below the file is named batch.csv
curl --location '{{PROJECT_ID}}/batches' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}' \
--form 'demographics_csv=@"batch.csv"' \
--form 'batch="{\"batch_type\":\"CCDA\"}"' \
With a batch.csv
Kam,Quark,1954-12-01,MALE,999 Dev Drive,Brooklyn,11111,NY,TREATMENT,123451,123-45-6789
Kam,Quark,1954-12-01,MALE,999 Dev Drive,Brooklyn,11111,NY,TREATMENT,123452,123-45-6789
Kam,Quark,1954-12-01,MALE,999 Dev Drive,Brooklyn,11111,NY,TREATMENT,123453,123-45-6789
Kam,Quark,1954-12-01,MALE,999 Dev Drive,Brooklyn,11111,NY,TREATMENT,123454,123-45-6789
Kam,Quark,12-01-1954,MALE,999 Dev Drive,Brooklyn,11111,NY,TREATMENT,123455,123-45-6789
The last line of the provided .CSV is malformed (incorrect date_of_birth
). In the response, we see the following error returned. Each value in the .CSV is validated before query processing.
"error": "invalid date_of_birth provided, must be of format YYYY-MM-DD; invalid date_of_birth provided, must be after 1900-01-01",
"line": 6
By editing that line and running the same request with the date in the correct syntax, now we see a sample 200 response:
"batch_id": "37e71d02-4c87-49cb-a6e3-883af09ddc1b",
"expected_finish_time": "2024-06-24T21:40:20.000000Z",
"state": "PENDING",
"query_count": 5,
"queries": [
"query_id": "5144ca48-a282-45b7-b816-90aca603bb1a",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"query_id": "a6796705-5b03-42dc-95f8-28dff96c4fb4",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"query_id": "62c70b3f-a05f-47f3-b9e4-9224d2709869",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"query_id": "ba435f90-486f-4b5c-b59f-8c53f71fc6b1",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"query_id": "cb3150f7-11fb-45a6-812c-dfbd5e01e360",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"batch_type": "CCDA"
Sample JSON Request
Similarly, if you wish to use demographics_json
, your curl request would look something like this:
curl --location '{{PROJECT_ID}}/batches' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
--form 'demographics_json="[{\"given_name\":\"Kam\",\"family_name\":\"Quark\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"date_of_birth\":\"1979-01-04\",\"postal_code\":\"11111\",\"purpose_of_use\":\"TREATMENT\",\"patient_id\":\"e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6531\"},{\"given_name\":\"John\",\"family_name\":\"Que\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"date_of_birth\":\"1979-01-04\",\"postal_code\":\"71116\",\"purpose_of_use\":\"TREATMENT\",\"patient_id\":\"e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6531\"}]"' \
--form 'batch="{\"batch_type\":\"FHIR_R4\"}"'
If this were the sample JSON object we are adding to the body formData
"given_name": "Kam",
"family_name": "Quark",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"date_of_birth": "1979-01-04",
"postal_code": "11111",
"purpose_of_use": "TREATMENT",
"patient_id": "e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6532"
"given_name": "John",
"family_name": "Que",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"date_of_birth": "1979-01-04",
"postal_code": "71116",
"purpose_of_use": "TREATMENT",
"patient_id": "e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6533"
and the response would look like this:
"batch_id": "255113d4-975a-4003-a99a-e4ea72a2f988",
"expected_finish_time": "2024-06-22T00:00:00.000000Z",
"state": "PENDING",
"query_count": 2,
"queries": [
"query_id": "a9131a5a-059d-4628-9a7d-cef6f9aae14e",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"query_id": "561937ff-542e-4ece-bbbb-09ddae318974",
"state": "SCHEDULED"
"batch_type": "FHIR_R4"
List Batch
A chronological list of all queries run by your project. Gives a quick snapshot into each batch previously run. Regardless of the batch type you initially created, the response will be the same format.
Sample Request
curl --location '{{PROJECT_ID}}/batches' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
--form 'demographics_json="[{\"given_name\":\"Kam\",\"family_name\":\"Quark\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"date_of_birth\":\"1979-01-04\",\"postal_code\":\"11111\",\"purpose_of_use\":\"TREATMENT\",\"patient_id\":\"e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6531\"},{\"given_name\":\"John\",\"family_name\":\"Que\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"date_of_birth\":\"1979-01-04\",\"postal_code\":\"71116\",\"purpose_of_use\":\"TREATMENT\",\"patient_id\":\"e9e88a62-88d6-4bc7-8677-66b8314a6531\"}]"' \
--form 'batch="{\"batch_type\":\"FHIR_R4\"}"'
Sample Response
"batch_statuses": [
"batch_id": "17610bf3-1883-4594-bd2d-5e794fef0f1e",
"expected_finish_time": "2024-06-17T06:29:56.000000Z",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"query_count": 1090,
"batch_type": "FHIR_R4"
"batch_id": "4d85778d-1dc0-4546-92bf-8b7d0f6a12d9",
"expected_finish_time": "2024-06-17T09:04:57.000000Z",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"query_count": 9820,
"batch_type": "CCDA"
"batch_id": "5b060a5a-bf07-41dc-ae7d-7bc92003b00c",
"expected_finish_time": "2023-09-22T12:40:00.000000Z",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"query_count": 3,
"batch_type": "FHIR"
Get Batch
An in-depth look into the contents and queries inside of a particular batch. Regardless of the batch type you initially created, the response will be the same format.
Sample Request
curl --location '{{PROJECT_ID}}/batches/{{BATCH_ID}}' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••'
Sample Response
"batch_id": "{{BATCH_ID}}",
"expected_finish_time": "2023-09-22T12:40:00.000000Z",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"query_count": 3,
"queries": [
"query_id": "265dfcbd-fdea-4774-9140-f422a32b7797",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"file_count": 21
"query_id": "5448b742-5894-413d-bd7c-4376e5cd48f9",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"file_count": 36
"query_id": "a05df066-b8a4-4d8d-9b06-36be70acb660",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"file_count": 311
"batch_type": "FHIR_R4"
Updated 3 months ago