Network Variability
Overview of variability in received data across the health information exchange networks.
Particle's networks are highly reliable. However, there is the possibility of variance between responses. This page covers why you might encounter different responses between queries for the same set of demographics.
1. Quality of Demographics
The quality and accuracy of the demographics clients submit for network queries have the largest impact on the success of a query. By ensuring you have the most accurate and up-to-date information on your patients, and submit all of the required and recommended demographics, you increase the likelihood of finding a match for your patients.
2. Repeat Queries to the Network
We recommend querying for the same person no more than once in a 48-hour time period. Some endpoints may disallow queries for the same person within this timeframe to avoid high traffic.
3. Opt-In vs. Opt-Out States
Every state has various laws regarding a patient's right to Opt-In or Opt-Out of data sharing. In scenarios where the patient has chosen to Opt-Out, no data will be returned from that endpoint.
4. Network Endpoint is Offline
One reason why there may be a different response between queries is that one or more of the endpoints may be offline for various reasons. Endpoints within Particle's networks may be undergoing maintenance due to an update or error.
5. Demographic Matching Confidence has Changed
When we request data from our network endpoints, they run confidence matching algorithms against their database of demographics. There are scenarios where the endpoint's confidence of a match could have decreased, in which they will opt to return no data.
6. Endpoint Demographics Have Changed
The individual's set of demographics could have been updated at the endpoint location, causing a match confidence decrease between the requested set and the endpoint set of demographics.
If you continue to have trouble with a patient you expect to find data on, please reach out to your Particle account team for additional assistance.
Updated 2 months ago