Medication Management
After Hart's 4 visits, each at different organizations, you may not know where to pick up the baton. Updating treatment plans without comprehensive records can risk safety, never mind efficacy and patient engagement.
These statements likely sound familiar to you...
"The red pill that helps with my pain...", or "My water pill was just changed...", or "The white tablet which cannot be taken with any green leafy vegetables."
By providing the most recent medication lists from prior encounters, we provide a recent reference for what someone was suggested to take at a visit or discharge for medication reconciliation. This is especially helpful for visits which may have taken place outside of your organization. We also share medications that someone was taking historically to as an input to appropriate medication management for treatment of chronic disease, care gap management (e.g on a beta blocker s/p MI), and HCC suspecting.
We also have access to Surescripts data which gives an additional layer of context by sharing medication fill data. As you know, it is not enough to prescribe that diuretic for a CHF exacerbation or antibiotic for UTI. It is better to know the patient has filled it, and is more likely to be taking the medication.
Updated 2 months ago